
“Joining forces, Inspiring People to Outperform”.

There is a growing challenge in motivating warehouse employees, making sure that involvement increases, productivity grows and the turnover of personnel decreases. At the same time costs need to remain low and the labour market is getting more tight.

New technologies like Virtual Reality and Gamification can support you in increasing  the motivation of your employees.  But how? To answer this question  Logistic Workx offers a Workshop with all stakeholders. The result of the workshop is a clear assessment of all stakeholder needs and the benefits that this technology can bring  to your organization. All for a minimum investment with no strings attached.

Why this workshop?

In warehousing operations a lot of stakeholders are involved: 3rd party logistic providers, shippers, employment agencies, consultant and trainers. All having their having own interests. In order to create properly working operation it’s important to have shared interests. To achieve and guarantee a successful project the demand, desires and expectations need be clearly stated. This workshop will help you in defining these expectations in an effective and efficient way. More important, it will give you an answer on how VR and Gamification will support your operation and increase the motivation of your employees.

Workshop attendees

It’s essential that 2 key representatives of each of the warehouse stakeholders are present in the workshop. Individual interests will be addressed and common goals will be defined together.

LEGO© Serious Play Methodology

The LEGO© Serious Play approach is based on a process of 4 steps in which different techniques and principles are applied. The most essential principle is the individual perspective. Since a team is build on different individuals, this principle means that:

  • Each individual is expected to participate for 100%
  • Each individual gets time to think before he speaks
  • All participants will hear all individual opinions and can reflect on those
  • Each participant will get an equal chance to share ideas and opinions
  • The approach ensures a short and clear explanation to minimize miscommunication and misunderstanding.


By applying the LEGO Serious Play approach (hidden) individual knowledge is turned in to common team knowledge. In the workshop LEGO bricks are used to build everyone’s vision, on the desired result. The LEGO (metaphorical) buildings are used to explain the desired result to the other participants in an understandable manner and discussed with the whole team. The creative approach of LEGO Serious Play is a proven and powerful method to communicate and share knowledge, better than other workshops. At the end of the workshop people will truly understand each others goals and motivation better.

The Result

Really understanding each other is the basis for a successful joint project, with mutual expectations, addressing individual issues and defining the roles and responsibilities.

At the end of the workshop day there will be:

  • A common and shared knowledge level
  • A shared project goal to which everyone is committed
  • A proper risk analysis
  • A plan of action to make the first steps in a successful project


Prior to the workshop, the workshop leader will meet with all the participating organizations and have an individual intake (of approximately 45 minutes) with the individual participants. The intake is individual to make sure that everybody can speak freely and to get clear expectations from each of the participants. Based on all the intakes the workshop is prepared and managed in such a manner that all expectations are met. In this way we can ensure an efficient and effective workshop with results.


  • Introduction of participants
  • Identified expectations and objective of the day
  • Introduction to VR and Gamification in logistics
  • LEGO Serious Play
    • Individual view on possibilities and opportunities
    • Defining common purpose
    • Make personal strength visible
    • Search collaboration based on strength
    • Define common project
    • Identify and mitigate risks
  • Conclusions and next steps


The workshop will include lunch and drinks afterwards.



The workshop will include lunch and drinks afterwards.


Minimum of 3 and maximum of 8


The workshop takes 1 day, starting at 9.00 am ending at 5.00 pm

Location & date:

To be discussed